Monthly Quack: August 1, 2021
Welcome to the NEW Monthly Quack!
Firstly, our sincere apologies for not delivering your Monthly Quack for May, June and July. It were REALLY crazy with the double migration of ALL websites and all the problems we had to sort out in those times. From today this newsletter will be in your inbox the FIRST WEEKEND of EVERY month.
Well, firstly our NEW websites and tracking links. You can view our main website HERE. Most of the other sites are just a link away from our main website... We have REALLY outdone ourselves with the migrations (another reason there were NO Monthly Quacks and other newsletters).
Secondly, we have update banners (square ones, long ones AND headers!) and these would be used shortly. You might have noticed the header for our websites now have a built-in ad in to help with advertising the websites.
Thirdly, the NEW campaigns for our advertising services (note the plural!) are kicking off this week and our advertisers will start seeing their traffic soaring from the end of the week...
1. Completion of the banners for advertising.
2. Start of the NEW campaigns for advertisers.
3. Reviews of sites currently being used.
4. E-courses and e-books.
5. Email series for Duck Internet Lifestyle.
Are you looking for advertising? We asked the question in April, we're asking it again now. Why? Because the links and the tracking service have changed, of course!
- Duck's Lifetime Ads - Done-For-You ads
- MASCAS Art Gallery & Artist Management - websites and advertising for artists
- Makhulu Matata Hospitality Advertising Services - websites and advertising for hospitality services AND charities
- Hester's Business Advertising Services - advertising for affiliates
- SWD786 Stores - NEW! - need a webpage to sell something? Then we can help!
You're welcome joining one or more of these services.
1. If you don't work, your business is officially closed for that day and your customers will go elsewhere. The minimum you have to do on days you can't open your business, is to check your emails, but hat won't necessarily yield money... So work on your business everyday.
2. Are you advertising for business? Need help? See THIS MONTH'S MESSAGE #1 for an answer!
3. In order to be your own boss, you need to act like a boss and not an employee! Why not try our Duck Internet Lifestyle?
4. Need some motivation? Then join one of our team members, Mad Mike The Rhodesian, to help you!
Every month I will promote one of our off-the-beaten-track websites here.
Tired of all the false news and terrible things that happens in this world? Need some guidance? The Last Warners are NOT psychics but religious leaders that wants to guide you through the mess.
We now have a dedicated Customer Care Center for helping you. Send us a message through the dedicated form or any of the other channels mentioned and we will see how we can help you. We can also supply quotes here for some of our special services.
Until next month